This site will look much better in a browser that supports web standards, but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device. Trust me—you really don’t know what yo’re missing.
This table is based on the Latin-1 entity set from the XHTML 1.0 specification, plus clarification of those entities between 1 and 159 that are not technically part of that entity file. You can compare this document with the original plain-text entity listing.
Entity Number | Symbol by Number | Entity Name | Symbol by Name | UTF-8 Symbol | Raster Image | Unicode | ISO Latin-1 name (Unicode name) [Windows code page 1252] |
� | (null value) | U+0000 | [Ctrl-@ null] | ||||
 | U+0001 | Unused [Ctrl-A start of heading] ☺ DOS character 'white smiling face' is now ☺ | |||||
 | U+0002 | Unused [Ctrl-B start of text] ☻ DOS character 'black smiling face' is now ☻ | |||||
 | U+0003 | Unused [Ctrl-C end of text] ♥ DOS character 'black heart suit' is now use ♥ | |||||
 | U+0004 | Unused [Ctrl-D end of transmission] ♦ DOS character 'black diamond suit' is now ♦♦ | |||||
 | U+0005 | Unused [Ctrl-E enquiry] ♣ DOS character 'black club suit' is now ♣ | |||||
 | U+0006 | Unused [Ctrl-F acknowledge] ♠ DOS character 'black spade suit' is now ♠ | |||||
 | U+0007 | Unused [Ctrl-G bell] • DOS character 'bullet' is now • | |||||
 | U+0008 | Unused [Ctrl-H backspace] ◘ DOS character 'inverse bullet' is now ◘ | |||||
	 | U+0009 | Used! [Ctrl-I Horizontal Tabulation] ○ DOS character 'white circle' is now ○ | |||||
| U+000A | Used! [Ctrl-J Linefeed] ◙ DOS character 'inverse white circle' is now ◙ | |||||
 | U+000B | Unused [Ctrl-K vertical tabulation] ♂ DOS character 'male sign' is now ♂ | |||||
 | U+000C | Unused [Ctrl-L form feed] ♀ DOS character 'female sign' is now ♀ | |||||
| U+000D | Used! [Ctrl-M carriage return] ♪ DOS character 'eighth note' is now ♪ | |||||
 | U+000E | Unused [Ctrl-N shift out] ♫ DOS character 'beamed eighth notes' is now ♫ | |||||
 | U+000F | Unused [Ctrl-O shift in] ☼ DOS character 'white sun with rays' is now ☼ | |||||
 | U+0010 | Unused [Ctrl-P data link escape] ▶ DOS character 'black right-pointing triangle' is now ▶ | |||||
 | U+0011 | Unused [Ctrl-Q device control one] ◀ DOS character 'black left-pointing triangle' is now ◀ | |||||
 | U+0012 | Unused [Ctrl-R device control two] ↕ DOS character 'up down arrow' is now ↕ | |||||
 | U+0013 | Unused [Ctrl-S device control three] ‼ DOS character 'double exclamation mark' is now ‼ | |||||
 | U+0014 | Unused [Ctrl-T device control four] ¶ DOS character 'pilcrow sign' is now ¶ | |||||
 | U+0015 | Unused [Ctrl-U negative acknowledge] § DOS character 'section sign' is now § | |||||
 | U+0016 | Unused [Ctrl-V synchronous idle] ▬ DOS character 'black rectangle' is now ▬ | |||||
 | U+0017 | Unused [Ctrl-W end of transmission block] ↨ DOS character 'up down arrow with base' is now ↨ | |||||
 | U+0018 | Unused [Ctrl-X cancel] ↑ DOS character 'upwards arrow' is now ↑ | |||||
 | U+0019 | Unused [Ctrl-Y end of medium] ↓ DOS character 'downwards arrow' is now ↓ | |||||
 | U+001A | Unused [Ctrl-Z substitute] → DOS character 'rightwards arrow' is now → | |||||
 | U+001B | Unused [escape] ← DOS character 'leftwards arrow' is now ← | |||||
 | U+001C | Unused [Ctrl-\ file separator] ⌙ DOS character 'turned not sign' is now ⌙ | |||||
 | U+001D | Unused [Ctrl-] group separator] ↔ DOS character 'left right arrow' is now ↔ | |||||
 | U+001E | Unused [Ctrl-^ record separator] ▲ DOS character 'black up-pointing triangle' is now ▲ | |||||
 | U+001F | Unused [Ctrl-_ unit separator] ▼ DOS character 'black down-pointing triangle' is now ▼ | |||||
  | U+0020 | Space | |||||
! | ! | ! | U+0021 | Exclamation mark | |||
" | " | " | " | " | U+0022 | quotation mark = APL quote | |
# | # | # | U+0023 | Number sign | |||
$ | $ | $ | U+0024 | Dollar sign | |||
% | % | % | U+0025 | Percent sign | |||
& | & | & | & | & | U+0026 | ampersand | |
' | ' | ' | U+0027 | Apostrophe | |||
( | ( | ( | U+0028 | Left parenthesis | |||
) | ) | ) | U+0029 | Right parenthesis | |||
* | * | * | U+002A | Asterisk | |||
+ | + | + | U+002B | Plus sign | |||
, | , | , | U+002C | Comma | |||
- | - | - | U+002D | Hyphen-Minus | |||
. | . | . | U+002E | Full Stop (Period) | |||
/ | / | / | U+002F | Solidus (slash) | |||
0 | 0 | 0 | U+0030 | Digit Zero | |||
1 | 1 | 1 | U+0031 | Digit One | |||
2 | 2 | 2 | U+0032 | Digit Two | |||
3 | 3 | 3 | U+0033 | Digit Three | |||
4 | 4 | 4 | U+0034 | Digit Four | |||
5 | 5 | 5 | U+0035 | Digit Five | |||
6 | 6 | 6 | U+0036 | Digit Six | |||
7 | 7 | 7 | U+0037 | Digit Seven | |||
8 | 8 | 8 | U+0038 | Digit Eight | |||
9 | 9 | 9 | U+0039 | Digit Nine | |||
: | : | : | U+003A | Colon | |||
; | ; | ; | U+003B | Semicolon | |||
< | < | < | < | < | U+003C | Less-than Sign | |
= | = | = | U+003D | Equals sign | |||
> | > | > | > | > | U+003E | Greater-Than Sign | |
? | ? | ? | U+003F | Question mark | |||
@ | @ | @ | U+0040 | Commercial at | |||
A | A | A | U+0041 | Latin Capital letter A | |||
B | B | B | U+0042 | Latin Capital letter B | |||
C | C | C | U+0043 | Latin Capital letter C | |||
D | D | D | U+0044 | Latin Capital letter D | |||
E | E | E | U+0045 | Latin Capital letter E | |||
F | F | F | U+0046 | Latin Capital letter F | |||
G | G | G | U+0047 | Latin Capital letter G | |||
H | H | H | U+0048 | Latin Capital letter H | |||
I | I | I | U+0049 | Latin Capital letter I | |||
J | J | J | U+004A | Latin Capital letter J | |||
K | K | K | U+004B | Latin Capital letter K | |||
L | L | L | U+004C | Latin Capital letter L | |||
M | M | M | U+004D | Latin Capital letter M | |||
N | N | N | U+004E | Latin Capital letter N | |||
O | O | O | U+004F | Latin Capital letter O | |||
P | P | P | U+0050 | Latin Capital letter P | |||
Q | Q | Q | U+0051 | Latin Capital letter Q | |||
R | R | R | U+0052 | Latin Capital letter R | |||
S | S | S | U+0053 | Latin Capital letter S | |||
T | T | T | U+0054 | Latin Capital letter T | |||
U | U | U | U+0055 | Latin Capital letter U | |||
V | V | V | U+0056 | Latin Capital letter V | |||
W | W | W | U+0057 | Latin Capital letter W | |||
X | X | X | U+0058 | Latin Capital letter X | |||
Y | Y | Y | U+0059 | Latin Capital letter Y | |||
Z | Z | Z | U+005A | Latin Capital letter Z | |||
[ | [ | [ | U+005B | Left square bracket | |||
\ | \ | \ | U+005C | Reverse solidus (backslash) | |||
] | ] | ] | U+005D | Right square bracket (closing square bracket) | |||
^ | ^ | ^ | U+005E | Circumflex Accent (Caret) Spacing circumflex | |||
_ | _ | _ | U+005F | Low Line (Horizontal bar) spacing underscore | |||
` | ` | ` | U+0060 | Grave accent (spacing grave) | |||
a | a | a | U+0061 | Latin Small letter a | |||
b | b | b | U+0062 | Latin Small letter b | |||
c | c | c | U+0063 | Latin Small letter c | |||
d | d | d | U+0064 | Latin Small letter d | |||
e | e | e | U+0065 | Latin Small letter e | |||
f | f | f | U+0066 | Latin Small letter f | |||
g | g | g | U+0067 | Latin Small letter g | |||
h | h | h | U+0068 | Latin Small letter h | |||
i | i | i | U+0069 | Latin Small letter i | |||
j | j | j | U+006A | Latin Small letter j | |||
k | k | k | U+006B | Latin Small letter k | |||
l | l | l | U+006C | Latin Small letter l | |||
m | m | m | U+006D | Latin Small letter m | |||
n | n | n | U+006E | Latin Small letter n | |||
o | o | o | U+006F | Latin Small letter o | |||
p | p | p | U+0070 | Latin Small letter p | |||
q | q | q | U+0071 | Latin Small letter q | |||
r | r | r | U+0072 | Latin Small letter r | |||
s | s | s | U+0073 | Latin Small letter s | |||
t | t | t | U+0074 | Latin Small letter t | |||
u | u | u | U+0075 | Latin Small letter u | |||
v | v | v | U+0076 | Latin Small letter v | |||
w | w | w | U+0077 | Latin Small letter w | |||
x | x | x | U+0078 | Latin Small letter x | |||
y | y | y | U+0079 | Latin Small letter y | |||
z | z | z | U+007A | Latin Small letter z | |||
{ | { | { | U+007B | Left curly Bracket (opening curly bracket) | |||
| | | | | | U+007C | Vertical Line (vertical bar) | |||
} | } | } | U+007D | Right curly Bracket (closing curly bracket) | |||
~ | ~ | ~ | U+007E | Tilde | |||
 | | | U+007F | Not allowed. [Delete] ⌂ DOS character 'house' is now ⌂ | |||
€ | | € | U+0080 | Not allowed. Ç DOS character 'Latin C with cedilla' is now Ç € Win character 'Euro symbol') is now € Ä Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS' is now Ä | |||
 | | | U+0081 | Not allowed. ü DOS character 'lowercase u with diaeresis' is now ü Win has no glyph here Å Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE' is now Å | |||
‚ | | ‚ | U+0082 | Not allowed. é DOS character 'latin e with acute' is now é ‚ Win character 'single low-9 quotation mark' is now ‚ Ç Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA' is now Ç | |||
ƒ | | ƒ | U+0083 | Not allowed. â DOS character 'latin a with circumflex' is now â ƒ Win character 'function symbol' is now ƒ É Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE' is now É | |||
„ | | „ | U+0084 | Not allowed. ä DOS character 'latin a with umlat' is now ä „ Win character 'low double quote' is now „ Ñ Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE' is now Ñ | |||
… | … | U+0085 | Not allowed. à DOS character 'latin a with grave' is now à … Win character 'horizontal ellipsis' is now … Ö Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS' is now Ö | ||||
† | | † | U+0086 | Not allowed. å DOS character 'latin a with ring' is now å † Win character 'dagger' is now † Ü Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS' is now Ü | |||
‡ | | ‡ | U+0087 | Not allowed. ç DOS character 'latin c with cedilla' is now ç ‡ Win character 'double dagger' is now ‡ á Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE' is now á | |||
ˆ | | ˆ | U+0088 | Not allowed. ê DOS character 'latin e with circumflex' is now ê ˆ Win character 'circumflex' is now ˆ à Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE' is now à | |||
‰ | | ‰ | U+0089 | Not allowed. ë DOS character 'latin e with umlat' is now ë ‰ Win character 'per mille' is now ‰ â Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now â | |||
Š | | Š | U+008A | Not allowed. è DOS character 'latin e with grave' is now è Š Win character 'latin S with caron' is now Š ä Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS' is now ä | |||
‹ | | ‹ | U+008B | Not allowed. ï DOS character 'latin i with umlat' is now ï ‹ Win character 'left-pointing angle quotation mark' is now ‹ ã Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE' is now ã | |||
Œ | | Œ | U+008C | Not allowed. î DOS character 'latin i with circumflex' is now î Œ Win character 'latin ligature OE' is now Œ å Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE' is now å | |||
 | | | U+008D | Not allowed. ì DOS character 'latin i with grave' is now ì Win has no glyph here ç Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA' is now ç | |||
Ž | | Ž | U+008E | Not allowed. Ä DOS character 'Latin A with umlat' is now Ä Ž Win character 'Latin Z with caron' is now Ž é Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE' is now é | |||
 | | | U+008F | Not allowed. Å DOS character 'Latin A with ring' is now Å Win has no glyph here è Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE' is now è | |||
 | | | U+0090 | Not allowed. É DOS character 'Latin E with acute' is now É Win has no glyph here ê Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now ê | |||
‘ | | ‘ | U+0091 | Not allowed. æ DOS character 'Latin ligature ae' is now æ ‘ Win character 'opening single quote' is now ‘ ë Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS' is now ë | |||
’ | | ’ | U+0092 | Not allowed. Æ DOS character 'Latin ligature AE' is now Æ ’ Win character 'closing single quote' is now ’ í Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE' is now í | |||
“ | | “ | U+0093 | Not allowed. ô DOS character 'Latin o with circumflex' is now ô “ Win character 'opening double quote' is now “ ì Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE' is now ì | |||
” | | ” | U+0094 | Not allowed. ö DOS character 'Latin o with umlat' is now ö ” Win character 'closing double quote' is now ” î Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now î | |||
• | | • | U+0095 | Not allowed. ò DOS character 'Latin o with grave' is now ò • Win character 'bullet' is now • î Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS' is now ï | |||
– | | – | U+0096 | Not allowed. û DOS character 'Latin u with circumflex' is now û – Win character 'en dash' is now – ñ Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE' is now ñ | |||
— | | — | U+0097 | Not allowed. ù DOS character 'Latin u with grave' is now ù — Win character 'em dash' is now — ó Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE' is now ó | |||
˜ | | ˜ | U+0098 | Not allowed. ÿ DOS character 'Latin y with umlat' is now ÿ ˜ Win character 'small tilde' is now ˜ ò Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE' is now ò | |||
™ | | ™ | U+0099 | Not allowed. Ö DOS character 'Latin O with umlat' is now Ö ™ Win character 'trademark sign' is now ™ ô Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now ô | |||
š | | š | U+009A | Not allowed. Ü DOS character 'Latin U with umlat' is now Ü š Win character 'Latin s with caron' is now š ö Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS' is now ö | |||
› | | › | U+009B | Not allowed. ¢ DOS character 'cent sign' is now ¢ › Win character 'single right-pointing angle quotation mark' is now › õ Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE' is now õ | |||
œ | | œ | U+009C | Not allowed. £ DOS character 'pound sign' is now £ œ Win character 'Latin ligature oe' is now œ ú Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE' is now ú | |||
 | | | U+009D | Not allowed. ¥ DOS character 'yen sign' is now ¥ Win has no glyph here ù Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE' is now ù | |||
ž | | ž | U+009E | Not allowed. ₧ DOS character 'Peseta sign' is now ₧ ž Win character 'Latin z with caron' is now ž û Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now û | |||
Ÿ | | Ÿ | U+009F | Not allowed. ƒ DOS character 'latin f with hook' is now ƒ Ÿ Win character 'Latin Y umlat' is now Ÿ ü Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS' is now ü | |||
  | | U+00A0 | No-break space (non-breaking space) á DOS character 'small a acute' is now á † Mac character 'DAGGER' is now † | ||||
¡ | ¡ | ¡ | ¡ | ¡ | U+00A1 | Inverted exclamation Mark í DOS character 'small i acute' is now í ° Mac character 'DEGREE SIGN' is now ° | |
¢ | ¢ | ¢ | ¢ | ¢ | U+00A2 | Cent sign ó DOS character 'small o acute' is now ó ¢ Mac character 'CENT SIGN' is now ¢ | |
£ | £ | £ | £ | £ | U+00A3 | Pound sign ú DOS character 'small u acute' is now ú £ Mac character 'POUND SIGN' is now £ | |
¤ | ¤ | ¤ | ¤ | ¤ | U+00A4 | currency sign ñ DOS character 'small n tilde' is now ñ § Mac character 'SECTION SIGN' is now § | |
¥ | ¥ | ¥ | ¥ | ¥ | U+00A5 | Yen sign Ñ DOS character 'large n tilde' is now Ñ • Mac character 'BULLET' is now • | |
¦ | ¦ | ¦ | ¦ | ¦ | U+00A6 | Broken bar (Broken vertical bar) ª DOS character 'feminine ordinal indicator' is now ª ¶ Mac character 'PILCROW SIGN' is now ¶ | |
§ | § | § | § | § | U+00A7 | Section sign º DOS character 'masculine ordinal indicator' is now º ß Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S' is now ß | |
¨ | ¨ | ¨ | ¨ | ¨ | U+00A8 | Diaresis (Umlaut) Spacing diaeresis ¿ DOS character 'inverted question mark' is now ¿ ® Mac character 'REGISTERED SIGN' is now ® | |
© | © | © | © | © | U+00A9 | Copyright Sign ⌐ DOS character 'reversed not sign' is now ⌐ © Mac character 'COPYRIGHT SIGN' is now © | |
ª | ª | ª | ª | ª | U+00AA | Feminine ordinal Indicator ¬ DOS character 'not sign' is now ¬ ™ Mac character 'TRADE MARK SIGN' is now ™ | |
« | « | « | « | « | U+00AB | Left-pointing double angle quotation mark (left pointing guillemotleft) ½ DOS character 'vulgar fraction 1/2' is now ½ ´ Mac character 'ACUTE ACCENT' is now ´ | |
¬ | ¬ | ¬ | ¬ | ¬ | U+00AC | Not sign ¼ DOS character 'vulgar fraction 1/4' is now ¼ ¨ Mac character 'DIAERESIS' is now ¨ | |
­ | | ­ | | | U+00AD | Soft hyphen ¡ DOS character 'inverted exclamation mark' is now ¡ ≠ Mac character 'NOT EQUAL TO' is now ≠ | |
® | ® | ® | ® | ® | U+00AE | Registered sign (registered trademark sign) « DOS character 'left double angle quotation mark (guillemot)' is now « Æ Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE' is now Æ | |
¯ | ¯ | ¯ | ¯ | ¯ | U+00AF | Macron (spacing macron) » DOS character 'right double angle quotation mark (guillemot)' is now » Ø Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE' is now Ø | |
° | ° | ° | ° | ° | U+00B0 | Degree sign ░ DOS character 'light shaded box' is now ░ ∞ Mac character 'INFINITY' is now ∞ | |
± | ± | ± | ± | ± | U+00B1 | Plus-minus sign (plus-or-minus sign) ▒ DOS character 'medium shaded box' is now ▒ ± Mac character 'PLUS-MINUS SIGN' is now ± | |
² | ² | ² | ² | ² | U+00B2 | Superscript two (superscript digit two) ▓ DOS character 'dark shaded box' is now ▓ ≤ Mac character 'LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO' is now ≤ | |
³ | ³ | ³ | ³ | ³ | U+00B3 | Superscript three (superscript digit three) DOS character 'box drawing light vertical' is now │ │ ≥ Mac character 'GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO' is now ≥ | |
´ | ´ | ´ | ´ | ´ | U+00B4 | Acute accent (spacing acute) ┤ DOS character 'box drawings light vertical and left' is now ┤ ¥ Mac character 'YEN SIGN' is now ¥ | |
µ | µ | µ | µ | µ | U+00B5 | Micro sign ╡ DOS character 'box drawings vertical single and left double' is now ╡ µ Mac character 'MICRO SIGN' is now µ | |
¶ | ¶ | ¶ | ¶ | ¶ | U+00B6 | Pilcrow sign (paragraph sign) ╢ DOS character 'box drawings vertical double and left single' is now ╢ ∂ Mac character 'PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL' is now ∂ | |
· | · | · | · | · | U+00B7 | Middle dot ╖ DOS character 'box drawings down double and left single' is now ╖ ∑ Mac character 'N-ARY SUMMATION' is now ∑ | |
¸ | ¸ | ¸ | ¸ | ¸ | U+00B8 | Cedilla (spacing cedilla) ╕ DOS character 'box drawings down single and left double' is now ╕ ∏ Mac character 'N-ARY PRODUCT' is now ∏ | |
¹ | ¹ | ¹ | ¹ | ¹ | U+00B9 | Superscript one (superscript digit one) ╣ DOS character 'box drawings double vertical and left' is now ╣ π Mac character 'GREEK SMALL LETTER PI' is now π | |
º | º | º | º | º | U+00BA | Masculine ordinal indicator ║ DOS character 'box drawings double vertical' is now ║ ∫ Mac character 'INTEGRAL' is now ∫ | |
» | » | » | » | » | U+00BB | Right-pointing double angle quotation mark (guillemetright) right pointing guillemet ╗ DOS character 'box drawings double down and left' is now ╗ ª Mac character 'FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR' is now ª | |
¼ | ¼ | ¼ | ¼ | ¼ | U+00BC | Vulgar Fraction one quarter (fraction one quarter) ╝ DOS character 'box drawings double up and left' is now ╝ º Mac character 'MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR' is now º | |
½ | ½ | ½ | ½ | ½ | U+00BD | Vulgar Fraction one-half (fraction one-half) ╜ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE' is now ╜ Ω Mac character 'OHM SIGN' is now Ω | |
¾ | ¾ | ¾ | ¾ | ¾ | U+00BE | Vulgar Fraction three quarters (fraction three quarters) ╛ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE' is now ╛ æ Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER AE' is now æ | |
¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | U+00BF | Inverted question mark ┐ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND LEFT' is now ┐ ø Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE' is now ø | |
À | À | À | À | À | U+00C0 | Latin Capital A with grave └ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND RIGHT' is now └ ¿ Mac character 'INVERTED QUESTION MARK' is now ¿ | |
Á | Á | Á | Á | Á | U+00C1 | Latin Capital A with acute ┴ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND HORIZONTAL' is now ┴ ¡ Mac character 'INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK' is now ¡ | |
 |  |  |  |  | U+00C2 | Latin Capital A with circumflex ┬ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND HORIZONTAL' is now ┬ ¬ Mac character 'NOT SIGN' is now ¬ | |
à | à | à | à | à | U+00C3 | Capital A, tilde ├ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND RIGHT' is now ├ √ Mac character 'SQUARE ROOT' is now √ | |
Ä | Ä | Ä | Ä | Ä | U+00C4 | Capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark ─ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL' is now ─ ƒ Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK' is now ƒ | |
Å | Å | Å | Å | Å | U+00C5 | Capital A, ring ┼ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL' is now ┼ ≈ Mac character 'ALMOST EQUAL TO' is now ≈ | |
Æ | Æ | Æ | Æ | Æ | U+00C6 | Capital AE dipthong (ligature) ╞ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE' is now ╞ ∆ Mac character 'INCREMENT' is now ∆ | |
Ç | Ç | Ç | Ç | Ç | U+00C7 | Capital C, cedilla ╟ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE' is now ╟ « Mac character 'LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK' is now « | |
È | È | È | È | È | U+00C8 | Capital E, grave accent ╚ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND RIGHT' is now ╚ » Mac character 'RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK' is now » | |
É | É | É | É | É | U+00C9 | Capital E, acute accent ╔ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND RIGHT' is now ╔ » Mac character 'RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK' is now » | |
Ê | Ê | Ê | Ê | Ê | U+00CA | Capital E, circumflex accent ╩ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND HORIZONTAL' is now ╩ … Mac character 'HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS' is now … | |
Ë | Ë | Ë | Ë | Ë | U+00CB | Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark ╦ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND HORIZONTAL' is now ╦ Mac character 'NO-BREAK SPACE' is now   | |
Ì | Ì | Ì | Ì | Ì | U+00CC | Capital I, grave accent ╠ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND RIGHT' is now ╠ À Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE' is now À | |
Í | Í | Í | Í | Í | U+00CD | Capital I, acute accent ═ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE HORIZONTAL' is now ═ à Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE' is now à | |
Î | Î | Î | Î | Î | U+00CE | Capital I, circumflex accent ╬ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL' is now ╬ Õ Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE' is now Õ | |
Ï | Ï | Ï | Ï | Ï | U+00CF | Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark ╧ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE' is now ╧ Œ Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE' is now Œ | |
Ð | Ð | Ð | Ð | Ð | U+00D0 | Capital Eth, Icelandic ╨ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE' is now ╨ œ Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE' is now œ | |
Ñ | Ñ | Ñ | Ñ | Ñ | U+00D1 | Capital N, tilde ╤ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE' is now ╤ – Mac character 'EN DASH' is now – | |
Ò | Ò | Ò | Ò | Ò | U+00D2 | Capital O, grave accent ╥ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE' is now ╥ — Mac character 'EM DASH' is now — | |
Ó | Ó | Ó | Ó | Ó | U+00D3 | Capital O, acute accent ╙ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE' is now ╙ “ Mac character 'LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK' is now “ | |
Ô | Ô | Ô | Ô | Ô | U+00D4 | Capital O, circumflex accent ╘ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE' is now ╘ ” Mac character 'RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK' is now ” | |
Õ | Õ | Õ | Õ | Õ | U+00D5 | Capital O, tilde ╒ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE' is now ╒ ‘ Mac character 'LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK' is now ‘ | |
Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö | Ö | U+00D6 | Capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark ╓ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE' is now ╓ ’ Mac character 'RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK' is now ’ | |
× | × | × | × | × | U+00D7 | Multiplication sign ╫ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE' is now ╫ ÷ Mac character 'DIVISION SIGN' is now ÷ | |
Ø | Ø | Ø | Ø | Ø | U+00D8 | Capital O, slash ╪ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE' is now ╪ ◊ Mac character 'LOZENGE' is now ◊ | |
Ù | Ù | Ù | Ù | Ù | U+00D9 | Capital U, grave accent ┘ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND LEFT' is now ┘ ÿ Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS' is now ÿ | |
Ú | Ú | Ú | Ú | Ú | U+00DA | Capital U, acute accent ┌ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND RIGHT' is now ┌ Ÿ Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS' is now Ÿ | |
Û | Û | Û | Û | Û | U+00DB | Capital U, circumflex accent █ DOS character 'FULL BLOCK' is now █ ⁄ Mac character 'FRACTION SLASH' is now ⁄ | |
Ü | Ü | Ü | Ü | Ü | U+00DC | Capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark ▄ DOS character 'LOWER HALF BLOCK' is now ▄ ¤ Mac character 'CURRENCY SIGN' is now ¤ | |
Ý | Ý | Ý | Ý | Ý | U+00DD | Latin Capital Y, acute accent ▌ DOS character 'LEFT HALF BLOCK' is now ▌ ‹ Mac character 'SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK' is now ‹ | |
Þ | Þ | Þ | Þ | Þ | U+00DE | Latin Capital THORN, Icelandic ▐ DOS character 'RIGHT HALF BLOCK' is now ▐ › Mac character 'SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK' is now › | |
ß | ß | ß | ß | ß | U+00DF | Latin Small letter sharp s, German (sz ligature) ▀ DOS character 'UPPER HALF BLOCK' is now ▀ fi Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI' is now fi | |
à | à | à | à | à | U+00E0 | Small a, grave accent α DOS character 'Greek small letter alpha' is now α fl Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL' is now fl | |
á | á | á | á | á | U+00E1 | Small a, acute accent ß DOS character 'latin small letter sharp s' or 'sz ligature' is now ß ‡ Mac character 'DOUBLE DAGGER' is now ‡ | |
â | â | â | â | â | U+00E2 | Small a, circumflex accent Γ DOS character 'Greek capital letter gamma' is now Γ · Mac character 'MIDDLE DOT' is now · | |
ã | ã | ã | ã | ã | U+00E3 | Small a, tilde π DOS character 'Greek lowercase letter pi' is now π ‚ Mac character 'SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK' is now ‚ | |
ä | ä | ä | ä | ä | U+00E4 | Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark Σ DOS character 'Greek capital letter sigma' is now Σ „ Mac character 'RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK' is now „ | |
å | å | å | å | å | U+00E5 | Small a, ring σ DOS character 'Greek small letter sigma' is now σ ‰ Mac character 'PER MILLE SIGN' is now ‰ | |
æ | æ | æ | æ | æ | U+00E6 | Small ae dipthong (ligature) µ DOS character 'micro sign' is now µ  Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now  | |
ç | ç | ç | ç | ç | U+00E7 | Small c, cedilla τ DOS character 'Greek small letter tau' is now τ Ê Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now Ê | |
è | è | è | è | è | U+00E8 | Small e, grave accent Φ DOS character 'Greek capital letter phi' is now Φ Ë Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS' is now Ë | |
é | é | é | é | é | U+00E9 | Small e, acute accent Θ DOS character 'Greek capital letter theta' is now Θ È Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE' is now È | |
ê | ê | ê | ê | ê | U+00EA | Small e, circumflex accent Ω DOS character 'Greek capital letter omega' is now Ω Í Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE' is now Í | |
ë | ë | ë | ë | ë | U+00EB | Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark δ DOS character 'Greek small letter delta' is now δ Î Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now Î | |
ì | ì | ì | ì | ì | U+00EC | Small i, grave accent ∞ DOS character 'infinity' is now ∞ Ï Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS' is now Ï | |
í | í | í | í | í | U+00ED | Small i, acute accent φ DOS character 'GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI' is now φ Ì Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE' is now Ì | |
î | î | î | î | î | U+00EE | Small i, circumflex accent ε DOS character 'GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON' is now ε Ó Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE' is now Ó | |
ï | ï | ï | ï | ï | U+00EF | Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark ∩ DOS character 'intersection' is now ∩ Ô Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now Ô | |
ð | ð | ð | ð | ð | U+00F0 | Small eth, Icelandic ≡ DOS character 'identical to' is now ≡ Mac character 'apple symbol' has no official Unicode position, but the standard 'Private Use' Unicode value is F8FF () | |
ñ | ñ | ñ | ñ | ñ | U+00F1 | Small n, tilde ± DOS character 'plus-minus sign' is now ± Ò Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE' is now Ò | |
ò | ò | ò | ò | ò | U+00F2 | Small o, grave accent ≥ DOS character 'greater-than or equal to' is now ≥ Ú Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE' is now Ú | |
ó | ó | ó | ó | ó | U+00F3 | Small o, acute accent ≤ DOS character 'less-than or equal to' is now ≤ Û Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now Û | |
ô | ô | ô | ô | ô | U+00F4 | Small o, circumflex accent ⌠ DOS character 'top half integral' is now ⌠ or ∫ ∫ for full intregal Ù Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE' is now Ù | |
õ | õ | õ | õ | õ | U+00F5 | Small o, tilde ⌡ DOS character 'bottom half integral' is now ⌡ or ∫ ∫ for full intregal ı Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I' is now ı | |
ö | ö | ö | ö | ö | U+00F6 | Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark ÷ DOS character 'division' is now ÷ ˆ Mac character 'MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT' is now ˆ | |
÷ | ÷ | ÷ | ÷ | ÷ | U+00F7 | Division sign ≈ DOS character 'almost equal to' is now ≈ ˜ Mac character 'SMALL TILDE' is now ˜ | |
ø | ø | ø | ø | ø | U+00F8 | Small o, slash ° DOS character 'degree' is now ° ¯ Mac character 'MACRON' is now ¯ | |
ù | ù | ù | ù | ù | U+00F9 | Small u, grave accent ∙ DOS character 'bullet operator' is now ∙ ˘ Mac character 'BREVE' is now ˘ | |
ú | ú | ú | ú | ú | U+00FA | Small u, acute accent · DOS character 'middle dot' is now · ˙ Mac character 'DOT ABOVE' is now ˙ | |
û | û | û | û | û | U+00FB | Small u, circumflex accent √ DOS character 'square root' is now √ ˚ Mac character 'RING ABOVE' is now ˚ | |
ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | U+00FC | Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark ⁿ DOS character 'superscript n' is now ⁿ ¸ Mac character 'CEDILLA' is now ¸ | |
ý | ý | ý | ý | ý | U+00FD | Small y, acute accent ² DOS character 'superscript 2' is now ² ˝ Mac character 'DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT' is now ˝ | |
þ | þ | þ | þ | þ | U+00FE | Small thorn, Icelandic ■ DOS character 'BLACK SQUARE' is now ■ ˛ Mac character 'OGONEK' is now ˛ | |
ÿ | ÿ | ÿ | ÿ | ÿ | U+00FF | Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark DOS character 'no break space' is now   ˇ Mac character 'CARON' is now ˇ |