[an error occurred while processing this directive]

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HTML 4.01 Entities Test: Standard characters for HTML (Latin-1) HTML 2.0

This table is based on the Latin-1 entity set from the XHTML 1.0 specification, plus clarification of those entities between 1 and 159 that are not technically part of that entity file. You can compare this document with the original plain-text entity listing.

Entity Number Symbol by Number Entity Name Symbol by Name UTF-8 Symbol Raster Image Unicode ISO Latin-1 name (Unicode name) [Windows code page 1252]
� (null value) U+0000[Ctrl-@ null]
   U+0001Unused [Ctrl-A start of heading]

☺ DOS character 'white smiling face' is now ☺

   U+0002Unused [Ctrl-B start of text]

☻ DOS character 'black smiling face' is now ☻

   U+0003Unused [Ctrl-C end of text]

♥ DOS character 'black heart suit' is now use ♥

   U+0004Unused [Ctrl-D end of transmission]

♦ DOS character 'black diamond suit' is now ♦♦

   U+0005Unused [Ctrl-E enquiry]

♣ DOS character 'black club suit' is now ♣

   U+0006Unused [Ctrl-F acknowledge]

♠ DOS character 'black spade suit' is now ♠

   U+0007Unused [Ctrl-G bell]

• DOS character 'bullet' is now •

   U+0008Unused [Ctrl-H backspace]

◘ DOS character 'inverse bullet' is now ◘

	 U+0009Used! [Ctrl-I Horizontal Tabulation]

○ DOS character 'white circle' is now ○

 U+000A Used! [Ctrl-J Linefeed]

◙ DOS character 'inverse white circle' is now ◙

 U+000BUnused [Ctrl-K vertical tabulation]

♂ DOS character 'male sign' is now ♂

 U+000CUnused [Ctrl-L form feed]

♀ DOS character 'female sign' is now ♀

 U+000DUsed! [Ctrl-M carriage return]

♪ DOS character 'eighth note' is now ♪

   U+000EUnused [Ctrl-N shift out]

♫ DOS character 'beamed eighth notes' is now ♫

   U+000FUnused [Ctrl-O shift in]

☼ DOS character 'white sun with rays' is now ☼

   U+0010Unused [Ctrl-P data link escape]

▶ DOS character 'black right-pointing triangle' is now ▶

   U+0011Unused [Ctrl-Q device control one]

◀ DOS character 'black left-pointing triangle' is now ◀

   U+0012Unused [Ctrl-R device control two]

↕ DOS character 'up down arrow' is now ↕

   U+0013Unused [Ctrl-S device control three]

‼ DOS character 'double exclamation mark' is now ‼

   U+0014Unused [Ctrl-T device control four]

¶ DOS character 'pilcrow sign' is now ¶

   U+0015Unused [Ctrl-U negative acknowledge]

§ DOS character 'section sign' is now §

   U+0016Unused [Ctrl-V synchronous idle]

▬ DOS character 'black rectangle' is now ▬

   U+0017Unused [Ctrl-W end of transmission block]

↨ DOS character 'up down arrow with base' is now ↨

   U+0018Unused [Ctrl-X cancel]

↑ DOS character 'upwards arrow' is now ↑

   U+0019Unused [Ctrl-Y end of medium]

↓ DOS character 'downwards arrow' is now ↓

  U+001AUnused [Ctrl-Z substitute]

→ DOS character 'rightwards arrow' is now →

   U+001BUnused [escape]

← DOS character 'leftwards arrow' is now ←

   U+001CUnused [Ctrl-\ file separator]

⌙ DOS character 'turned not sign' is now ⌙

   U+001DUnused [Ctrl-] group separator]

↔ DOS character 'left right arrow' is now ↔

   U+001EUnused [Ctrl-^ record separator]

▲ DOS character 'black up-pointing triangle' is now ▲

   U+001FUnused [Ctrl-_ unit separator]

▼ DOS character 'black down-pointing triangle' is now ▼

  U+0020 Space
! ! ! glyph image U+0021 Exclamation mark
" " " "" glyph image U+0022 quotation mark = APL quote
# # # glyph image U+0023 Number sign
$ $ $ glyph image U+0024 Dollar sign
% % % glyph image U+0025 Percent sign
& & & && glyph image U+0026 ampersand
' ' ' glyph image U+0027 Apostrophe
( ( ( glyph image U+0028 Left parenthesis
) ) ) glyph image U+0029 Right parenthesis
* * * glyph image U+002A Asterisk
+ + + glyph image U+002B Plus sign
, , , glyph image U+002C Comma
- - - glyph image U+002D Hyphen-Minus
. . . glyph image U+002E Full Stop (Period)
/ / / glyph image U+002F Solidus (slash)
0 0 0 glyph image U+0030 Digit Zero
1 1 1 glyph image U+0031 Digit One
2 2 2 glyph image U+0032 Digit Two
3 3 3 glyph image U+0033 Digit Three
4 4 4 glyph image U+0034 Digit Four
5 5 5 glyph image U+0035 Digit Five
6 6 6 glyph image U+0036 Digit Six
7 7 7 glyph image U+0037 Digit Seven
8 8 8 glyph image U+0038 Digit Eight
9 9 9 glyph image U+0039 Digit Nine
: : : glyph image U+003A Colon
&#59; ; ; glyph image U+003B Semicolon
&#60; < &lt; < < glyph image U+003C Less-than Sign
&#61; = = glyph image U+003D Equals sign
&#62; > &gt; > > glyph image U+003E Greater-Than Sign
&#63; ? ? glyph image U+003F Question mark
&#64; @ @ glyph image U+0040 Commercial at
&#65; A A glyph image U+0041 Latin Capital letter A
&#66; B B glyph image U+0042 Latin Capital letter B
&#67; C C glyph image U+0043 Latin Capital letter C
&#68; D D glyph image U+0044 Latin Capital letter D
&#69; E E glyph image U+0045 Latin Capital letter E
&#70; F F glyph image U+0046 Latin Capital letter F
&#71; G G glyph image U+0047 Latin Capital letter G
&#72; H H glyph image U+0048 Latin Capital letter H
&#73; I I glyph image U+0049 Latin Capital letter I
&#74; J J glyph image U+004A Latin Capital letter J
&#75; K K glyph image U+004B Latin Capital letter K
&#76; L L glyph image U+004C Latin Capital letter L
&#77; M M glyph image U+004D Latin Capital letter M
&#78; N N glyph image U+004E Latin Capital letter N
&#79; O O glyph image U+004F Latin Capital letter O
&#80; P P glyph image U+0050 Latin Capital letter P
&#81; Q Q glyph image U+0051 Latin Capital letter Q
&#82; R R glyph image U+0052 Latin Capital letter R
&#83; S S glyph image U+0053 Latin Capital letter S
&#84; T T glyph image U+0054 Latin Capital letter T
&#85; U U glyph image U+0055 Latin Capital letter U
&#86; V V glyph image U+0056 Latin Capital letter V
&#87; W W glyph image U+0057 Latin Capital letter W
&#88; X X glyph image U+0058 Latin Capital letter X
&#89; Y Y glyph image U+0059 Latin Capital letter Y
&#90; Z Z glyph image U+005A Latin Capital letter Z
&#91; [ [ glyph image U+005B Left square bracket
&#92; \ \ glyph image U+005C Reverse solidus (backslash)
&#93; ] ] glyph image U+005D Right square bracket (closing square bracket)
&#94; ^ ^ glyph image U+005E Circumflex Accent (Caret) Spacing circumflex
&#95; _ _ glyph image U+005F Low Line (Horizontal bar) spacing underscore
&#96; ` ` glyph image U+0060 Grave accent (spacing grave)
&#97; a a glyph image U+0061 Latin Small letter a
&#98; b b glyph image U+0062 Latin Small letter b
&#99; c c glyph image U+0063 Latin Small letter c
&#100; d d glyph image U+0064 Latin Small letter d
&#101; e e glyph image U+0065 Latin Small letter e
&#102; f f glyph image U+0066 Latin Small letter f
&#103; g g glyph image U+0067 Latin Small letter g
&#104; h h glyph image U+0068 Latin Small letter h
&#105; i i glyph image U+0069 Latin Small letter i
&#106; j j glyph image U+006A Latin Small letter j
&#107; k k glyph image U+006B Latin Small letter k
&#108; l l glyph image U+006C Latin Small letter l
&#109; m m glyph image U+006D Latin Small letter m
&#110; n n glyph image U+006E Latin Small letter n
&#111; o o glyph image U+006F Latin Small letter o
&#112; p p glyph image U+0070 Latin Small letter p
&#113; q q glyph image U+0071 Latin Small letter q
&#114; r r glyph image U+0072 Latin Small letter r
&#115; s s glyph image U+0073 Latin Small letter s
&#116; t t glyph image U+0074 Latin Small letter t
&#117; u u glyph image U+0075 Latin Small letter u
&#118; v v glyph image U+0076 Latin Small letter v
&#119; w w glyph image U+0077 Latin Small letter w
&#120; x x glyph image U+0078 Latin Small letter x
&#121; y y glyph image U+0079 Latin Small letter y
&#122; z z glyph image U+007A Latin Small letter z
&#123; { { glyph image U+007B Left curly Bracket (opening curly bracket)
&#124; | | glyph image U+007C Vertical Line (vertical bar)
&#125; } } glyph image U+007D Right curly Bracket (closing curly bracket)
&#126; ~ ~ glyph image U+007E Tilde
&#127;   U+007F Not allowed. [Delete]

⌂ DOS character 'house' is now &#8962;

&#128; €€ U+0080

Not allowed.

Ç DOS character 'Latin C with cedilla' is now &#199;

€ Win character 'Euro symbol') is now &#8364;

Ä Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS' is now &#196;

&#129;   U+0081 Not allowed.

ü DOS character 'lowercase u with diaeresis' is now &#252;

Win has no glyph here

Å Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE' is now &#197;

&#130; ‚‚ U+0082 Not allowed.

é DOS character 'latin e with acute' is now &#233;

‚ Win character 'single low-9 quotation mark' is now &#8218;

Ç Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA' is now &#199;

&#131; ƒ ƒƒ U+0083 Not allowed.

â DOS character 'latin a with circumflex' is now &#226;

ƒ Win character 'function symbol' is now &#402;

É Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE' is now &#201;

&#132; „„ U+0084 Not allowed.

ä DOS character 'latin a with umlat' is now &#228;

„ Win character 'low double quote' is now &#8222;

Ñ Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE' is now &#209;

&#133; …… U+0085 Not allowed.

à DOS character 'latin a with grave' is now &#224;

… Win character 'horizontal ellipsis' is now &#8230;

Ö Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS' is now &#214;

&#134; †† U+0086 Not allowed.

å DOS character 'latin a with ring' is now &#229;

† Win character 'dagger' is now &#8224;

Ü Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS' is now &#220;

&#135; ‡‡ U+0087 Not allowed.

ç DOS character 'latin c with cedilla' is now &#231;

‡ Win character 'double dagger' is now &#8225;

á Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE' is now &#225;

&#136; ˆ ˆˆ U+0088 Not allowed.

ê DOS character 'latin e with circumflex' is now &#234;

ˆ Win character 'circumflex' is now &#710;

à Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE' is now &#224;

&#137; ‰‰ U+0089 Not allowed.

ë DOS character 'latin e with umlat' is now &#235;

‰ Win character 'per mille' is now &#8240

â Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now &#226;

&#138; Š ŠŠ U+008A Not allowed.

è DOS character 'latin e with grave' is now &#232;

Š Win character 'latin S with caron' is now &#352;

ä Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS' is now &#228;

&#139; ‹‹ U+008B Not allowed.

ï DOS character 'latin i with umlat' is now &#239;

‹ Win character 'left-pointing angle quotation mark' is now &#8249;

ã Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE' is now &#227;

&#140; Œ ŒŒ U+008C Not allowed.

î DOS character 'latin i with circumflex' is now &#238;

Œ Win character 'latin ligature OE' is now &#338;

å Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE' is now &#229;

&#141;   U+008D Not allowed.

ì DOS character 'latin i with grave' is now &#236;

Win has no glyph here

ç Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA' is now &#231;

&#142; Ž ŽŽ U+008E Not allowed.

Ä DOS character 'Latin A with umlat' is now &#196;

Ž Win character 'Latin Z with caron' is now &#381;

é Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE' is now &#233;

&#143;   U+008F Not allowed.

Å DOS character 'Latin A with ring' is now &#197;

Win has no glyph here

è Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE' is now &#232;

&#144;   U+0090 Not allowed.

É DOS character 'Latin E with acute' is now &#201;

Win has no glyph here

ê Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now &#234;

&#145; ‘‘ U+0091 Not allowed.

æ DOS character 'Latin ligature ae' is now &#230;

‘ Win character 'opening single quote' is now &#8216;

ë Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS' is now &#235;

&#146; ’’ U+0092 Not allowed.

Æ DOS character 'Latin ligature AE' is now &#198;

’ Win character 'closing single quote' is now &#8217;

í Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE' is now í

&#147; ““ U+0093 Not allowed.

ô DOS character 'Latin o with circumflex' is now &#244;

“ Win character 'opening double quote' is now &#8220;

ì Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE' is now &#236;

&#148; ”” U+0094 Not allowed.

ö DOS character 'Latin o with umlat' is now &#246;

” Win character 'closing double quote' is now &#8221;

î Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now &#238;

&#149; •• U+0095 Not allowed.

ò DOS character 'Latin o with grave' is now &#242;

• Win character 'bullet' is now &#8226;

î Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS' is now &#239;

&#150; –– U+0096 Not allowed.

û DOS character 'Latin u with circumflex' is now &#251;

– Win character 'en dash' is now &#8211;

ñ Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE' is now &#241;

&#151; —— U+0097 Not allowed.

ù DOS character 'Latin u with grave' is now &#249;

— Win character 'em dash' is now &#8212;

ó Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE' is now &#243;

&#152; ˜ ˜˜ U+0098 Not allowed.

ÿ DOS character 'Latin y with umlat' is now &#255;

˜ Win character 'small tilde' is now &#732;

ò Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE' is now &#242;

&#153; ™™ U+0099 Not allowed.

Ö DOS character 'Latin O with umlat' is now &#214;

™ Win character 'trademark sign' is now &#8482;

ô Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now &#244;

&#154; š šš U+009A Not allowed.

Ü DOS character 'Latin U with umlat' is now &#220;

š Win character 'Latin s with caron' is now &#353;

ö Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS' is now &#246;

&#155; ›› U+009B Not allowed.

¢ DOS character 'cent sign' is now &#162;

› Win character 'single right-pointing angle quotation mark' is now &#8250;

õ Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE' is now &#245;

&#156; œ œœ U+009C Not allowed.

£ DOS character 'pound sign' is now &#163;

œ Win character 'Latin ligature oe' is now &#339;

ú Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE' is now &#250;

&#157;   U+009D Not allowed.

¥ DOS character 'yen sign' is now &#165;

Win has no glyph here

ù Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE' is now &#249;

&#158; ž žž U+009E Not allowed.

₧ DOS character 'Peseta sign' is now &#8359;

ž Win character 'Latin z with caron' is now &#382;

û Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now &#251;

&#159; Ÿ ŸŸ U+009F Not allowed.

ƒ DOS character 'latin f with hook' is now &#402;

Ÿ Win character 'Latin Y umlat' is now &#376;

ü Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS' is now &#252;

&#160;   &nbsp;    glyph image U+00A0 No-break space (non-breaking space)

á DOS character 'small a acute' is now &#225;

† Mac character 'DAGGER' is now &#8224;

&#161; ¡ &iexcl; ¡ ¡ glyph image U+00A1 Inverted exclamation Mark

í DOS character 'small i acute' is now &#237;

° Mac character 'DEGREE SIGN' is now &#176;

&#162; ¢ &cent; ¢ ¢ glyph image U+00A2 Cent sign

ó DOS character 'small o acute' is now &#243;

¢ Mac character 'CENT SIGN' is now &#162;

&#163; £ &pound; £ £ glyph image U+00A3 Pound sign

ú DOS character 'small u acute' is now &#250;

£ Mac character 'POUND SIGN' is now &#163;

&#164; ¤ &curren; ¤ ¤ glyph image U+00A4 currency sign

ñ DOS character 'small n tilde' is now &#241;

§ Mac character 'SECTION SIGN' is now &#167;

&#165; ¥ &yen; ¥ ¥ glyph image U+00A5 Yen sign

Ñ DOS character 'large n tilde' is now &#209;

• Mac character 'BULLET' is now &#8226;

&#166; ¦ &brvbar; ¦ ¦ glyph image U+00A6 Broken bar (Broken vertical bar)

ª DOS character 'feminine ordinal indicator' is now &#170;

¶ Mac character 'PILCROW SIGN' is now &#182;

&#167; § &sect; § § glyph image U+00A7 Section sign

º DOS character 'masculine ordinal indicator' is now &#186;

ß Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S' is now &#223;

&#168; ¨ &uml; ¨ ¨ glyph image U+00A8 Diaresis (Umlaut) Spacing diaeresis

¿ DOS character 'inverted question mark' is now &#191;

® Mac character 'REGISTERED SIGN' is now &#174;

&#169; © &copy; © © glyph image U+00A9 Copyright Sign

⌐ DOS character 'reversed not sign' is now &#8976;

© Mac character 'COPYRIGHT SIGN' is now &#169;

&#170; ª &ordf; ª ª glyph image U+00AA Feminine ordinal Indicator

¬ DOS character 'not sign' is now &#172;

™ Mac character 'TRADE MARK SIGN' is now &#8482;

&#171; « &laquo; « « glyph image U+00AB Left-pointing double angle quotation mark (left pointing guillemotleft)

½ DOS character 'vulgar fraction 1/2' is now &#189;

´ Mac character 'ACUTE ACCENT' is now &#180;

&#172; ¬ &not; ¬ ¬ glyph image U+00AC Not sign

¼ DOS character 'vulgar fraction 1/4' is now &#188;

¨ Mac character 'DIAERESIS' is now &#168;

&#173; ­ &shy; ­ ­ glyph image U+00AD Soft hyphen

¡ DOS character 'inverted exclamation mark' is now &#161;

≠ Mac character 'NOT EQUAL TO' is now &#8800;

&#174; ® &reg; ® ® glyph image U+00AE Registered sign (registered trademark sign)

« DOS character 'left double angle quotation mark (guillemot)' is now &#171;

Æ Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE' is now &#198;

&#175; ¯ &macr; ¯ ¯ glyph image U+00AF Macron (spacing macron)

» DOS character 'right double angle quotation mark (guillemot)' is now &#187;

Ø Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE' is now &#216;

&#176; ° &deg; ° ° glyph image U+00B0 Degree sign

░ DOS character 'light shaded box' is now &#9617;

∞ Mac character 'INFINITY' is now &#8734;

&#177; ± &plusmn; ± ± glyph image U+00B1 Plus-minus sign (plus-or-minus sign)

▒ DOS character 'medium shaded box' is now &#9618;

± Mac character 'PLUS-MINUS SIGN' is now &#177;

&#178; ² &sup2; ² ² glyph image U+00B2 Superscript two (superscript digit two)

▓ DOS character 'dark shaded box' is now &#9619;

≤ Mac character 'LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO' is now &#8804;

&#179; ³ &sup3; ³ ³ glyph image U+00B3 Superscript three (superscript digit three)

DOS character 'box drawing light vertical' is now &#9474; │

≥ Mac character 'GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO' is now &#8805;

&#180; ´ &acute; ´ ´ glyph image U+00B4 Acute accent (spacing acute)

┤ DOS character 'box drawings light vertical and left' is now &#9508;

¥ Mac character 'YEN SIGN' is now &#165;

&#181; µ &micro; µ µ glyph image U+00B5 Micro sign

╡ DOS character 'box drawings vertical single and left double' is now &#9569;

µ Mac character 'MICRO SIGN' is now &#181;

&#182; &para; glyph image U+00B6 Pilcrow sign (paragraph sign)

╢ DOS character 'box drawings vertical double and left single' is now &#9570;

∂ Mac character 'PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL' is now &#8706;

&#183; · &middot; · ·glyph image U+00B7 Middle dot

╖ DOS character 'box drawings down double and left single' is now &#9558;

∑ Mac character 'N-ARY SUMMATION' is now &#8721;

&#184; ¸ &cedil; ¸ ¸ glyph image U+00B8 Cedilla (spacing cedilla)

╕ DOS character 'box drawings down single and left double' is now &#9557;

∏ Mac character 'N-ARY PRODUCT' is now &#8719;

&#185; ¹ &sup1; ¹ ¹ glyph image U+00B9 Superscript one (superscript digit one)

╣ DOS character 'box drawings double vertical and left' is now &#9571;

π Mac character 'GREEK SMALL LETTER PI' is now &#960;

&#186; º &ordm; º º glyph image U+00BA Masculine ordinal indicator

║ DOS character 'box drawings double vertical' is now &#9553;

∫ Mac character 'INTEGRAL' is now &#8747;

&#187; » &raquo; » » glyph image U+00BB Right-pointing double angle quotation mark (guillemetright) right pointing guillemet

╗ DOS character 'box drawings double down and left' is now &#9559;

ª Mac character 'FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR' is now &#170;

&#188; ¼ &frac14; ¼ ¼ glyph image U+00BC Vulgar Fraction one quarter (fraction one quarter)

╝ DOS character 'box drawings double up and left' is now &#9565;

º Mac character 'MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR' is now &#186;

&#189; ½ &frac12; ½ ½ glyph image U+00BD Vulgar Fraction one-half (fraction one-half)

╜ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE' is now &#9564;

Ω Mac character 'OHM SIGN' is now &#8486;

&#190; ¾ &frac34; ¾ ¾ glyph image U+00BE Vulgar Fraction three quarters (fraction three quarters)

╛ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE' is now &#9563;

æ Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER AE' is now &#230;

&#191; ¿ &iquest; ¿ ¿ glyph image U+00BF Inverted question mark

┐ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND LEFT' is now &#9488;

ø Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE' is now &#248;

&#192; À &Agrave; À À glyph image U+00C0 Latin Capital A with grave

└ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND RIGHT' is now &#9492;

¿ Mac character 'INVERTED QUESTION MARK' is now &#191;

&#193; Á &Aacute; Á Á glyph image U+00C1 Latin Capital A with acute

┴ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND HORIZONTAL' is now &#9524;

¡ Mac character 'INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK' is now &#161;

&#194; Â &Acirc; Â Â glyph image U+00C2 Latin Capital A with circumflex


¬ Mac character 'NOT SIGN' is now &#172;

&#195; Ã &Atilde; Ã Ã glyph image U+00C3 Capital A, tilde

├ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND RIGHT' is now &#9500;

√ Mac character 'SQUARE ROOT' is now &#8730;

&#196; Ä &Auml; Ä Ä glyph image U+00C4 Capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark

─ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL' is now &#9472;

ƒ Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK' is now &#402;

&#197; Å &Aring; Å Å glyph image U+00C5 Capital A, ring


≈ Mac character 'ALMOST EQUAL TO' is now &#8776;

&#198; Æ &AElig; Æ Æ glyph image U+00C6 Capital AE dipthong (ligature)


∆ Mac character 'INCREMENT' is now &#8710;

&#199; Ç &Ccedil; Ç Ç glyph image U+00C7 Capital C, cedilla



&#200; È &Egrave; È È glyph image U+00C8 Capital E, grave accent

╚ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND RIGHT' is now &#9562;


&#201; É &Eacute; É É glyph image U+00C9 Capital E, acute accent

╔ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND RIGHT' is now &#9556;


&#202; Ê &Ecirc; Ê Ê glyph image U+00CA Capital E, circumflex accent

╩ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND HORIZONTAL' is now &#9577;

… Mac character 'HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS' is now &#8230;

&#203; Ë &Euml; Ë Ë glyph image U+00CB Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark


  Mac character 'NO-BREAK SPACE' is now &#160;

&#204; Ì &Igrave; Ì Ì glyph image U+00CC Capital I, grave accent


À Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE' is now &#192;

&#205; Í &Iacute; Í Í glyph image U+00CD Capital I, acute accent

═ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE HORIZONTAL' is now &#9552;

à Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE' is now &#195;

&#206; Î &Icirc; Î Î glyph image U+00CE Capital I, circumflex accent


Õ Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE' is now &#213;

&#207; Ï &Iuml; Ï Ï glyph image U+00CF Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark


Œ Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE' is now &#338;

&#208; Ð &ETH; Ð Ð glyph image U+00D0 Capital Eth, Icelandic


œ Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE' is now &#339;

&#209; Ñ &Ntilde; Ñ Ñ glyph image U+00D1 Capital N, tilde


– Mac character 'EN DASH' is now &#8211;

&#210; Ò &Ograve; Ò Ò glyph image U+00D2 Capital O, grave accent


— Mac character 'EM DASH' is now &#8212;

&#211; Ó &Oacute; Ó Ó glyph image U+00D3 Capital O, acute accent

╙ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE' is now &#9561;

“ Mac character 'LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK' is now &#8220;

&#212; Ô &Ocirc; Ô Ô glyph image U+00D4 Capital O, circumflex accent

╘ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE' is now &#9560;

” Mac character 'RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK' is now &#8221;

&#213; Õ &Otilde; Õ Õ glyph image U+00D5 Capital O, tilde


‘ Mac character 'LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK' is now &#8216;

&#214; Ö &Ouml; Ö Ö glyph image U+00D6 Capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark


’ Mac character 'RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK' is now &#8217;

&#215; × &times; × × glyph image U+00D7 Multiplication sign


÷ Mac character 'DIVISION SIGN' is now &#247;

&#216; Ø &Oslash; Ø Ø glyph image U+00D8 Capital O, slash


◊ Mac character 'LOZENGE' is now &#9674;

&#217; Ù &Ugrave; Ù Ù glyph image U+00D9 Capital U, grave accent

┘ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND LEFT' is now &#9496;

ÿ Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS' is now &#255;

&#218; Ú &Uacute; Ú Ú glyph image U+00DA Capital U, acute accent

┌ DOS character 'BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND RIGHT' is now &#9484;

Ÿ Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS' is now &#376;

&#219; Û &Ucirc; Û Û glyph image U+00DB Capital U, circumflex accent

█ DOS character 'FULL BLOCK' is now &#9608;

⁄ Mac character 'FRACTION SLASH' is now &#8260;

&#220; Ü &Uuml; Ü Ü glyph image U+00DC Capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark

▄ DOS character 'LOWER HALF BLOCK' is now &#9604;

¤ Mac character 'CURRENCY SIGN' is now &#164;

&#221; Ý &Yacute; Ý Ý glyph image U+00DD Latin Capital Y, acute accent

▌ DOS character 'LEFT HALF BLOCK' is now &#9612;

‹ Mac character 'SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK' is now &#8249;

&#222; Þ &THORN; Þ Þ glyph image U+00DE Latin Capital THORN, Icelandic

▐ DOS character 'RIGHT HALF BLOCK' is now &#9616;


&#223; ß &szlig; ß ß glyph image U+00DF Latin Small letter sharp s, German (sz ligature)

▀ DOS character 'UPPER HALF BLOCK' is now &#9600;

fi Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI' is now &#64257;

&#224; à &agrave; à à glyph image U+00E0 Small a, grave accent

α DOS character 'Greek small letter alpha' is now &#945;

fl Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL' is now &#64258;

&#225; á &aacute; á á glyph image U+00E1 Small a, acute accent

ß DOS character 'latin small letter sharp s' or 'sz ligature' is now &#223;

‡ Mac character 'DOUBLE DAGGER' is now &#8225;

&#226; â &acirc; â â glyph image U+00E2 Small a, circumflex accent

Γ DOS character 'Greek capital letter gamma' is now &#915;

· Mac character 'MIDDLE DOT' is now &#183;

&#227; ã &atilde; ã ã glyph image U+00E3 Small a, tilde

π DOS character 'Greek lowercase letter pi' is now &#960;

‚ Mac character 'SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK' is now &#8218;

&#228; ä &auml; ä ä glyph image U+00E4 Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark

Σ DOS character 'Greek capital letter sigma' is now &#931;

„ Mac character 'RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK' is now &#8222;

&#229; å &aring; å å glyph image U+00E5 Small a, ring

σ DOS character 'Greek small letter sigma' is now &#963;

‰ Mac character 'PER MILLE SIGN' is now &#8240;

&#230; æ &aelig; æ æ glyph image U+00E6 Small ae dipthong (ligature)

µ DOS character 'micro sign' is now &#181;

 Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now &#194;

&#231; ç &ccedil; ç ç glyph image U+00E7 Small c, cedilla

τ DOS character 'Greek small letter tau' is now &#964;

Ê Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now &#202;

&#232; è &egrave; è è glyph image U+00E8 Small e, grave accent

Φ DOS character 'Greek capital letter phi' is now &#934;

Ë Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS' is now &#203;

&#233; é &eacute; é é glyph image U+00E9 Small e, acute accent

Θ DOS character 'Greek capital letter theta' is now &#920;

È Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE' is now &#200;

&#234; ê &ecirc; ê ê glyph image U+00EA Small e, circumflex accent

Ω DOS character 'Greek capital letter omega' is now &#937;

Í Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE' is now &#205;

&#235; ë &euml; ë ë glyph image U+00EB Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark

δ DOS character 'Greek small letter delta' is now &#948;

Î Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now &#206;

&#236; ì &igrave; ì ì glyph image U+00EC Small i, grave accent

∞ DOS character 'infinity' is now &#8734;

Ï Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS' is now &#207;

&#237; í &iacute; í í glyph image U+00ED Small i, acute accent

φ DOS character 'GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI' is now &#966;
(if you’re looking for ∅ 'empty set' use &$8709;)

Ì Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE' is now &#204;

&#238; î &icirc; î î glyph image U+00EE Small i, circumflex accent

ε DOS character 'GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON' is now &#949;
(if you’re looking for ∈ 'element of' use &8712;)

Ó Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE' is now &#211;

&#239; ï &iuml; ï ï glyph image U+00EF Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark

∩ DOS character 'intersection' is now &#8745;

Ô Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now &#212;

&#240; ð &eth; ð ð glyph image U+00F0 Small eth, Icelandic

≡ DOS character 'identical to' is now &#8801;

 Mac character 'apple symbol' has no official Unicode position, but the standard 'Private Use' Unicode value is F8FF ()

&#241; ñ &ntilde; ñ ñ glyph image U+00F1 Small n, tilde

± DOS character 'plus-minus sign' is now &#177;

Ò Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE' is now &#210;

&#242; ò &ograve; ò ò glyph image U+00F2 Small o, grave accent

≥ DOS character 'greater-than or equal to' is now &#8805;

Ú Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE' is now &#218;

&#243; ó &oacute; ó ó glyph image U+00F3 Small o, acute accent

≤ DOS character 'less-than or equal to' is now &#8804;

Û Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX' is now &#219;

&#244; ô &ocirc; ô ô glyph image U+00F4 Small o, circumflex accent

⌠ DOS character 'top half integral' is now &#8992; or &#8747 ∫ for full intregal

Ù Mac character 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE' is now &#217;

&#245; õ &otilde; õ õ glyph image U+00F5 Small o, tilde

⌡ DOS character 'bottom half integral' is now &#8993; or &#8747; ∫ for full intregal

ı Mac character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I' is now &#305;

&#246; ö &ouml; ö ö glyph image U+00F6 Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark

÷ DOS character 'division' is now &#247;

ˆ Mac character 'MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT' is now &#710;

&#247; ÷ &divide; ÷ ÷ glyph image U+00F7 Division sign

≈ DOS character 'almost equal to' is now &#8776;

˜ Mac character 'SMALL TILDE' is now &#732;

&#248; ø &oslash; ø ø glyph image U+00F8 Small o, slash

° DOS character 'degree' is now &#176;

¯ Mac character 'MACRON' is now &#175;

&#249; ù &ugrave; ù ù glyph image U+00F9 Small u, grave accent

∙ DOS character 'bullet operator' is now &#8729;

˘ Mac character 'BREVE' is now &#728;

&#250; ú &uacute; ú ú glyph image U+00FA Small u, acute accent

· DOS character 'middle dot' is now &#183;
For ⋅ 'dot operator' use &#8901;

˙ Mac character 'DOT ABOVE' is now &#729;

&#251; û &ucirc; û û glyph image U+00FB Small u, circumflex accent

√ DOS character 'square root' is now &#8730;

˚ Mac character 'RING ABOVE' is now &#730;

&#252; ü &uuml; ü ü glyph image U+00FC Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark

ⁿ DOS character 'superscript n' is now &#8319;

¸ Mac character 'CEDILLA' is now &#184;

&#253; ý &yacute; ý ý glyph image U+00FD Small y, acute accent

² DOS character 'superscript 2' is now &#178;

˝ Mac character 'DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT' is now &#733;

&#254; þ &thorn; þ þ glyph image U+00FE Small thorn, Icelandic

■ DOS character 'BLACK SQUARE' is now &#9632;
For ∎ 'end of proof' use &#8718.)

˛ Mac character 'OGONEK' is now &#731;

&#255; ÿ &yuml; ÿ ÿ glyph image U+00FF Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark

  DOS character 'no break space' is now &#160;

ˇ Mac character 'CARON' is now &#711;

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