While the rest of this site is tweaked slightly to work correctly in Microsoft’s very broken Internet Explorer browser much of the content linked from this page is designed as the ultimate test for standards compliance. Most of the pages here will work in IE, but those used to test features that are closer to the cutting-edge are served up using the XHTML MIME type, which IE can not display (it instead tries to download the file).
Other great sites for learning about Web standards The World Wide Web ConsortiumThe Web Standards Project A List Apart Dan’s Web Tips Jukka “Yucca” Korpela’s site The Unicode Consortium Forms of Unicode Alan Flavell’s Web postings Agitprop CSS Pointers Index Must-have Web tools SC UniPad—A Unicode text editorOlder efforts of Pete
This is a plain-text URL for testing how browsers handle such content: http://paara.org/ |